Small Business Owners

Finding a balance between your personal finances and business is the key to financial success in both aspects of your life. Make it simple with professional financial planning.

It’s no secret that small business owners might just be the busiest people on the face of the planet.

Between balancing the responsibilities of being a business owner with the duties of family life, there’s not much time left to think about your personal financial situation.

With all your attention focused on doing what is best for your business, it’s easy to forget about your personal finances. Maybe you have a feeling that you could be paying less in taxes or just want to know more about protecting yourself personally in the case of a financial emergency.

You want a way to make your personal financial planning simple and stress-free, so you can keep doing what you do best when it comes to your business.  After all, time is money and you don’t have enough of either to waste chasing unrealistic financial dreams that you have no idea how to make come true.

Whether you run a service business, make products, or run your own business as a tradesperson – we can help.

We’re business owners ourselves and so understand the worry that comes with juggling both your personal and business finances. We’ve also found with our clients that when you’re under the pump, your personal financial situation is usually the first thing that slips your mind.

Our team of experienced financial advisors takes the stress out of the scenario by ensuring your personal financial situation is designed to help you meet your financial goals, needs, and wants.

We make sure you’ve got your personal finances covered, so you can focus on helping your business grow.

Get in touch for a free consultation

What Our Clients Say

Common Financial Mistakes

Many people become small business owners for a variety of reasons, including seeking a better work-life balance, wanting to work on their own terms or desiring to make a difference in the world around them.

But because there are a variety of reasons for becoming a small business owner, having a solid personal finance knowledge isn’t always a given.

With so much time and energy spent within your business, it’s easy for everyday personal financial mistakes to pile up into one big problem.

In our years helping small business owners, we’ve found and fixed these common challenges:

  • Centering your entire retirement plan on selling your business
  • Not structuring your business to reduce personal tax obligations
  • Basing big financial decisions from outdated financial records
  • Failing to protect yourself financially if something were to happen to your business
  • Struggling to find a balance between business and personal financial planning

For many small business owners, the success of your business is tied-up with your personal financial circumstances and that of your family. When, for any reason, your business struggles, you and your family might feel added pressure.

By not building personal wealth independent of your business, you risk losing everything if something were to ever happen to affect your business’ finances.

Don’t worry, creating personal wealth is not as difficult as it sounds.

It’s entirely possible to meet your own personal financial goals, needs and wants while supporting your business to thrive.

Are you experiencing these challenges? We can help

At My Wealth Solutions, we take a holistic approach to your financial situation and create a financial plan that considers both your personal financial goals and those of your business.

We make sure that your financial plan is optimised to support you both now and into the future.

As small business owners, we know that it’s often the little things that get pushed to the end of the to-do list.

That’s why we do the hard yards for you and help you figure out the right way to take care of yourself financially.

One of the key areas that small business owners could improve upon is accounting. As a small business owner, you’re uniquely positioned to take advantage of certain financial strategies that can greatly reduce the amount of tax you’re obligated to pay.

We make sure that your personal financial circumstances are structured in a way that maximises tax reductions and lets you redirect more money toward meeting your financial goals.

We are also experts in protecting you and your family in case your business falters financially. We have hands-on experience helping you create and implement asset protection strategies that will ensure that you and your loved ones are able to weather anything that comes your way.

My Wealth Solutions are dedicated to making sure that you’re looked after financially both now and in the future. That’s why we sit down with you to create a retirement plan that works independently from your business.

In our experience, small business owners may sometimes forget to pay themselves super. This can have negative implications further in your financial journey, all of which can be discussed with one of our financial advisors.

Get in touch for a free consultation


Honestly I had no real plan about my financial future and I was told to go and see a financial advisor by my accountant. He highly recommended Ben and the team at My Wealth Solutions and after the first visit I could see why…after my first visit I left with a plan about my financial future and some seriously exciting goals to work towards. Since then the team have been more than accomodating with putting everything in place…

James S.

Guy and the team were fantastic at listening to our needs and putting together a plan that was right for us. They have been there for us too when we needed questions answered about all areas of financial and business related matters. Excellent customer service.

Andy J.
award winning and highly recommended
Logos-2018 Trusted Advisors
My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
Guy Freeman GPS Wealth Award
My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
Nikki Booth Young Gun Award
Ben Budge Advisor of the Year
Advisor of the Year Ben Budge
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Okay, I think I should get my personal finances sorted. How do I get started?

We’re here to make your personal financial planning simple.

To help you take the first step on your personal financial journey, we offer an obligation and cost-free initial consultation.

We understand you because we are you. As well as having over twenty years of combined experience, we are small business owners ourselves and so are uniquely positioned to see things from your perspective.

Let us help get your personal finances sorted, so you can keep doing what you do best without having to worry about whether you’re doing enough.

Get In Touch Today

Want to find a balance between your personal and business financial worlds?

We’re here to help make your personal financial world stress-free, so you can focus on making sure your business keeps doing what it does best.