CARE Investment Philosophy

At My Wealth Solutions, we believe in helping everyday families grow and protect their wealth. That’s why our CARE Investment Philosophy is designed to work in the real world, where negative investor behaviour is the biggest risk to your investment portfolio.

Not happy with your current investment strategy? CARE was made for you.

Grow and protect your wealth with the help of our CARE Investment Philosophy.

CARE is what happens when you combine good investor behaviour with smart, extensive, research-based decision making.

The CARE Investment Philosophy was created to give you the peace-of-mind that comes from knowing your financial future is secure without you having to be involved in every tiny detail.

CARE can be split into four unique aspects, or buckets, that work together to secure your financial future while ensuring you’ll never have to worry about your money.

Learn More About CARE

As a CARE investor you’ll have access to these exclusive services:

Economic Updates

As a CARE member, you’ll receive quarterly CARE economic updates from Emmanuel Calligeris, the Chairman of the CARE Investment Committee.

Annual Lunch

All CARE members are invited to an annual lunch briefing. During this meeting, you’ll be able to meet with the investment committee members face-to-face and ask any questions you may have.


As part of the CARE dedication to keeping you actively involved in the investment process, all CARE members will receive access to regular Investing With CARE seminars.

Half Yearly Updates

CARE members with over $1 million invested will receive a personal invitation to CARE half-yearly updates with the committee.

Meet the CARE Investment Committee

Emmanuel Calligeris

Emmanuel is the Chairman of the CARE Investment Committee and holds a degree in economics and previously had 20 years’ experience as Chief Investment Officer for OnePath Investments, responsible for $13 billion of funds under management.

Rob McGregor

Rob was a founder of GPS Wealth, developed the CARE Investment Philosophy over the last 15 years and successfully managed $100m in clients’ funds during the GFC.

Grahame Evans

Grahame is the Risk and Compliance member of the CARE Investment Committee. Grahame brings over 35 years of financial service industry experience.

Dr. Mark Brimble

Mark is an independent member of the CARE Investment Committee. Mark holds a doctorate in capital markets and is keenly interested in investor behaviour.

Our 20 Investment Beliefs

It is important for you to understand and agree with our core investment beliefs that underpin our investment decision making.

  • Having clear goals is the best way to make investment decisions

    Clear, defined financial goals should form the basis of any investment decision. Whether you’re saving for a house, building a nest-egg for retirement or just want to maximise your retirement income, defining exactly why you want to invest will help us to choose the right investment options for you.

  • Neither speculating nor saving is investing

    In our experience, neither speculating – otherwise known as the process of buying an asset in the hope that the price will go up and you will make a profit – nor saving are investment strategies.

    Investing is buying an asset while planning to enjoy the income generated from that asset. If the investment is a good one, made after thoroughly researching how it meets your unique financial goals, then the income and asset value will grow. You can then reinvest this income to grow your wealth.

  • Long term investing in good quality growth assets is the best way to passively build and preserve wealth

    For most of us, our investment time frame should be the rest of our life. But in a practical sense, we define long-term investing generally as 5 to 7 years. By simply buying assets, which are known as passive assets, you will be able to build your wealth without being actively involved.

    Active investments, which include renovating a property or buying a business, have the ability to produce much higher returns than passive assets but they also come with a much higher chance of losing all your money.

  • Growth assets are predominately shares and property

    Both shares and property produce an income, shares through dividends and property through rent. Both also form important cornerstones of your overall investment strategy. Shares and property generally grow in value if they are well selected and can be held directly or through managed investments.

  • Good quality professional management is important

    As professional financial advisors, we have more time, resources, education and experience in selecting and managing your investment portfolio. Creating and growing a healthy investment portfolio can be a complicated task, with questions like what to buy, when to buy, how to value and when to sell is only the beginning.

    Having a team of expert financial advisors on your side means that every investment decision you make will be based on comprehensive research and tailored to your unique needs.

  • Over the long run, shares will generally perform better than any other passive investment

    But shares also have one downside: they frequently fluctuate in value. This is perfectly normal and something to be expected as a shareholder. When held for the long-term and appropriately diversified, shares consistently deliver a strong return when compared to other types of passive investments.

  • Timing the share market is largely pointless

    Although many try, it’s impossible to predict the short-term movements of the share market. That’s why we focus on long-term buy and hold for our core investments, which deliver good returns to investors and make the timing of markets unnecessary.

    This philosophy also works for those with large amounts of cash to be invested, who may find it easier to place those investments over a period of time rather than in one lump sum. This means you’ll be able to avoid the pitfalls of investing at a market high in favour of receiving a steady average return over a period of time.

  • Whole market sectors should only be avoided or exited if a bubble appears in the financial market

    A bubble describes when the markets, in a speculative frenzy, push up prices to unsustainable levels. They can be hard to spot but can be identified by two key factors.

    1. The first sign is that prices have risen rapidly over a short period, with returns becoming an unsustainable 30% to 50% per annum.
    2. The second is that the income generated from these inflated investments will be extremely low or non-existent when expressed as a percentage by historical standards.
  • Sometimes it is wise to withdraw some profit and hold cash ready for future investment opportunities

    There may be times when certain aspects of your portfolio have delivered above average returns or have achieved long-term targets in a shorter timeframe.

    During these times, it may be advisable to sell some assets and hold cash to invest in future opportunities, or to switch to a sector that has been underperforming.

  • Residential property will go through long periods of no or slow growth, followed by short periods of rapid growth

    Property tends to go through cycles where values will approximately double in a short time then stagnate. These cycles are unpredictable but have previously lasted anywhere from 7 to 20 years.

    Long-term investors know that while one value double is rewarding, the real aim is to hold for 3 or 4 doubles for greater returns.

  • Residential property is great for building wealth, but not as good as producing income in retirement

    Although property will generally grow slightly less than shares, banks will continue to lend up to 90% to you so that you can build wealth more rapidly while using leverage to buy property. But this strategy also comes with increased risk.

    In retirement, when you will have hopefully paid off your debts, property tends to generate less income and have more costs to maintain it than other investments. Because of this, a retirement strategy based on residential property alone will require significantly more assets than if diversified across other assets.

  • Residential property always seems expensive at the time and cheap in retrospect

    If you ask anyone who has owned a property for 20 or 30 years, they will generally say that it was an expensive purchase at the time but now seems cheap by comparison. For example, the median price of a residential property in Brisbane in 1985 was $61,550 according to the ABS.

  • Diversification of investments lowers risk

    In theory, diversification means not putting all of your eggs in one basket. In practice, it involves holding a wide variety of investments across different sectors and within those sectors across different asset types, countries and investment managers.

    Diversification helps you reach the returns you need to achieve your long-term goals with the least amount of risk possible. This enables you to avoid stress and lowers the risk of making bad decisions when markets inevitably fluctuate.

  • Avoiding big mistakes is just as important as investing well

    It might sound like stating the obvious but it is incredibly difficult to recover from losing 50% to 100% of your investment.

    That’s why it’s best to avoid big mistakes like:

    • Chasing high returns, such as during a bubble
    • Not getting expert advice before investing
    • Choosing investments claiming to offer guaranteed returns that are significantly higher than bank accounts or bonds
    • Investing in products you don’t understand
    • Excessive trading of investments looking for short-term gain
    • Saving but using investments that can and might fluctuate in value to do so
    • Selling viable investments due to short-term issues or focus
  • You should always provide for the unexpected and allow for the normal movements and characteristics of the markets

    This means something different for wealth builders and retirees.

    For wealth builders it means:

    • Having sufficient insurances to protect yourself
    • Making sure you have access to spare cash and/or credit
    • Investing in share markets using dollar cost averaging to ensure you have a steady return
    • Leveraging into residential property

    While for retirees, it means:

    • Having sufficient cash reserves to support yourself in the case of market fluctuations
    • Keeping at least four years’ worth of known expenditure in short-term or lower-risk investments, so that good quality growth investments never have to be sold to meet short-term needs.
  • Planning and strategy are equally as important as good investments

    Planning helps you understand your current position and define your goals. It also helps you to decide where you want to be and which steps you need to take to get there. Overall, it provides a clear focus for the many financial decisions that will need to be made.

    Strategy is all about investing intelligently to meet your specific financial goals. Strategy can help with everything from deciding who should own an investment to more complex issues like gearing or using superannuation effectively. Together, planning and strategy can help you grow your wealth and meet your short, medium and long-term goals.

  • You don’t have to be wealthy to invest, but you do need to invest to become wealthy

    Many people choose not to invest because they think they don’t have enough money. In fact, the opposite is true as the only way to achieve wealth (aside from winning or inheriting it) is to invest. It is never too late to start investing and no amount is too small. Long-term investing of small amounts, combined with solid compound returns, is the right way to grow your wealth.

  • It is preferable to have an exciting life and relatively boring money, rather than the other way around

    This is one of our fundamental beliefs and serves as a philosophy that underpins how we advise our clients.

    For those that are looking for exciting money, speculative advice or short-term market timing, we cannot provide adequate investment advice as it contradicts this fundamental investment belief. However, we may be able to advise on planning or strategy.

  • General rules of thumb to use when looking for a residential investment property

    – There are many factors to consider when you’re looking at buying a residential investment property. To make sure that you’re choosing the right investment for your unique financial circumstances, here are a few things to consider:

    • It is better to choose an investment property in an area with a dense population to ensure a greater chance of rental income and tenant occupancy. An Australian capital city that has not recently had a property boom is a great place to start looking.
    • When it comes to maximising capital growth, the closer to an Australian capital city CBD you can buy, the better. Within 5 to 10 kilometres of a CBD is ideal, while you should avoid property further than 100 kilometres from a CBD.
    • Avoid property in small, remote and rural mining towns. When the mining project ends, fly-in fly-out workers often fly-out permanently.
    • You should plan on holding your property for the long-term, or at least 10+ years. Investing for income and capital growth is a much better strategy than investing for tax benefits or for the short or medium terms.
    • A new property will have less maintenance costs, can attract higher rental yields and will enable higher depreciation and building amortisation deductions. An older property may be purchased at a lower cost and may be better value for money, but those approaching retirement will need to be aware of higher maintenance costs.
    • Whenever you can: favour houses over units and units over studios as the land size is generally larger when it comes to capital growth and rental incomes are usually higher.
    • Choose property that is close to the CBD, shopping centers, schools, public transport, restaurants, parks and gyms.
  • Your investment property purchase options

    When it comes to the details of actually buying an investment property, you have 4 broad options to consider:

    1. Do it yourself: some people enjoy searching for and buying properties themselves. Others, however, find the process overwhelming or simply don’t have the time.
    2. Use local real estate agents: much like buying a home, you can use local real estate agents to help you in finding an investment property. You can provide them with a list of your requirements, such as budget, rent yield, etc. and then pick from the properties they show you.
    3. Use a buyer’s agent: your team of financial advisors can work directly with a buyer’s agent to help you find your ideal property. A buyer’s agent is a licensed real estate professional who legally acts on the behalf of the purchaser. We provide your requirements to them and they search for a property that ticks all of your boxes.
    4. Use a property research company: we can also assist you by introducing you to a property research company. These companies are licensed real estate agents who are authorised to sell properties to you. The properties they have available are usually new properties sourced directly from developers.
    5. Property research companies have unique research processes that enable them to identify properties that best meet their investment criteria and your requirements. They can also provide an expert opinion on the best locations to buy properties.

We have had a fantastic experience with My Wealth. We have been working with Nikki and she is incredibly professional and thorough. The My Wealth platform and investment strategies is exactly what we were looking for, we have full confidence that the solutions they have put in place will set us up financially for the future.

Mitch E
Ben and the team at My Wealth are a very professional, yet friendly service. I feel confident that my money is being handled with my best interests at heart. I would recommend My Wealth to anyone, no matter your financial position!
Michael J

My Wealth Solutions are the first financial advisers I have found that consider your entire financial position. They are not focused on one product or investment type, rather they are focused on finding the right financial solution for your current situation. I am looking forward to working with Ben and his team over the coming years.

James C.

I contacted Ben Budge to provide a holistic review of our financial position, including investments, superannuation and retirement planning. Ben provided a summary of our financial goals, along with how our strategies aligned with those objectives…which was great for motivating us to make some changes…I would consider Ben to be very professional and friendly, and I’d recommend him to anyone seeking to secure their financial and retirement planning.

Ian J.

My experience with Guy Freeman has been totally professional and totally satisfactory. Guy has managed my small investments but maintained at the same time a personal interest in my health and well being… I have to say that I have complete trust in Guy and am so pleased he is looking after my investments giving me a secure future.

Jennette B.

I was recommended Guy Freeman’s help with planning my financial future, and am very satisfied and reassured by his input over the last couple of years. I’ve actually received more input than I thought possible…sound investments; making a will, life insurance, income protection insurance, and realistic plans for retirement… I feel ‘looked after’ by this company, and excited about my financial future.

Jack H.

Guy…was also the most helpful and friendly of all the advisors. The quick responses and helpful, friendly advise has been a mainstay of our dealings with Guy and MWS. We have been very satisfied with the financial advice given. They helped us to consider matters like income protection, super funds and life insurance that we had very little knowledge about. Guy has also been able to give us a focus for our savings and investments going forward into the future.

Brendan N.

MWS have been great, they got our super sorted out and made sure our insurances are in tip-top shape if anything were to happen. I highly recommend their services to anyone who hasn’t put any time or thought into their financial strategy for the short and long term.

Dan S.
award winning and highly recommended
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My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
Guy Freeman GPS Wealth Award
My Wealth Solutions Practice of the Year
Nikki Booth Young Gun Award
Ben Budge Advisor of the Year
Advisor of the Year Ben Budge
GPS Wealth
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Want to know more about the CARE Philosophy?

CARE is designed from the ground up to help you and your family achieve your financial goals with ease.

Make growing your wealth as stress-free as possible.